Rogen, who voiced the iconic video game gorilla in “The Super Mario Bros. Movie,” revealed in a bonus feature on the film’s home release that Donkey Kong is a “fun character” in a “fun world” before naming his fashion request.
“I would be thrilled to see Donkey Kong go on more adventures. Maybe give him some pants this time,” said Rogen.
“More than any other actor I’ve worked with, he thinks like a writer,” Fogel said of the Donkey Kong voice actor.
Rogen noted that he was given the freedom to craft the character into his own.
“They generally told me that Donkey Kong was angry and yelling a lot, and so most of the direction they gave me was to be angrier and to yell more,” Rogen said of his character’s direction.
“I really do support the WGA and our writers. When the negotiations have been completed, and the writers feel comfortable moving forward, then it’ll be time to start talking about what’s next for that,” Pratt said of a possible Mario sequel.