A live-action remake of the 2002 animated Disney film “Lilo & Stitch” is facing backlash over a casting decision, according to reports.
On Thursday, Disney announced the addition of Sydney Agudong to play the character Nani in the remake. The announcement drew immediate criticism on social media due to the actress having a much lighter skin tone than the animated character, sparking allegations of “whitewashing.” (RELATED: Jewish Groups Lambast CNN For ‘Whitewashing’ Left-Wing Antisemitism)
Agudong, like the character Nani, is of Hawaiian descent.
Sydney Agudong has been cast as Nani in Disney’s live-action adaptation of ‘LILO & STITCH.’https://t.co/XvgDIsj4Mw pic.twitter.com/anqtxyhGWU
— Film Updates (@FilmUpdates) April 14, 2023
“The characters being dark-skinned indigenous Hawaiians is an important part of the story being told in “Lilo & Stitch,” and touches upon colonialism and how non-white families (especially those who were and are dark-skinned and non-white) have their lives ruined and torn apart in ways great and small by The Powers That Be,” wrote film critic Brian Richards.
“I think it’s important to recognize that yes, she is Hawaiian and light skinned/white passing Hawaiian natives exist. But nani is a dark skinned Hawaiian woman so give a dark skinned actress the chance too play her. regardless, this is still colorism/white washing,” wrote Twitter user @comicsvibe.