In the new season of Netflix’s “Untold” documentary series, Johnny Manziel, the once-promising quarterback known as “Johnny Football,” revealed he attempted suicide.
Despite achieving everything he had ever dreamed of, the 30-year-old Manziel confessed he felt hollow inside, People reported.
“When I had gotten everything I’d ever wanted, I think I was the most empty that I ever felt inside,” Manziel shared in the episode. “I think I was trying to suppress how I felt and get out of being ‘Johnny Football.’”
NEWS: Netflix documentaries dropping this month
August 8 – Johnny Football: The rise and fall of Johnny Manziel
August 22 – Swamp Kings: The turbulent and historic years at Urban Meyer’s
— RedditCFB (@RedditCFB) August 1, 2023
During the series, Manziel reportedly admitted to purchasing a gun with the intention of ending his life.
“I had planned to do everything that I wanted to do at that point in my life, spend as much money as I possibly could, and then my plan was to take my own life,” he reportedly said. (RELATED: Fans Are Paying An Incredible Amount Of Money For NFL Preseason Tickets)
After joining the NFL, Manziel retreated to his Cleveland apartment and distanced himself from everybody, People noted. He felt relieved when the Browns cut him, but his mental health continued to plummet.
Manziel reportedly explained drugs became a daily coping mechanism for him, and he was eventually diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Fortunately, Manziel had strong family support, particularly from his father, Paul Manziel, who continues to support his son.
“We can mend all the fences still but I think Johnny’s got a lot better days coming than what he’s had,” Paul reportedly says in the documentary.
“Untold: The Rise and Fall of Johnny Manziel” is set to premiere August 8.