Doja Cat shared the video for her latest single “Paint the Town Red” on Friday, featuring scenes of her getting cozy with the devil and dancing around next to raw, bloody meat.
The music video shows the famous singer wearing devil’s horns and dancing through a demonic scene. She drops her lyrics while standing next to the Grim Reaper, then melts in to the Reaper’s embrace while flaunting her curves in a form-fitting red dress and hood. “Mmm, she the devil,” Doja, whose real name is Amala Dlamini, sings at one point.
The single dropped on the heels of a significant social media “unfollowing,” as many of Doja Cat’s fans opted not to tune in to her highly controversial updates. In spite of her lack of online popularity in recent weeks, Doja Cat’s newest video is raking in the views on social media, with many fans making note of the fact that this new hit is a “banger,” even though they’re not entirely on board with the artist.
The video has, of course, also been the target of criticism due to its satanic imagery.
The star seemed to take aim at her haters by highlighting the reference in the lyrics of this new single.
“Yeah, bitch, I said what I said. I’d rather be famous instead,” she wrote. (RELATED: ‘Eat My Long And Warm Farts’: Doja Cats Tell Critics How She Really Feels)
“I let all that get to my head. I don’t care, I paint the town red,” she sang.
The video was directed by Nina McNeely and reportedly inspired by three paintings designed by Doja Cat herself, according to the Daily Mail.