His Fraudulency Joe Biden’s Thursday Oval Office address drew just 22 million viewers. The first season finale of Donald Trump’s hit NBC Show The Apprentice drew 28 million viewers in 2004.
For those of you who went to public schools, I’ll do the math…
An episode of Donald Trump’s reality show drew six million more viewers than Joe Biden’s Oval Office address.
If you’re interested in apples-to-apples, how do you like these apples…?
Back in January 2019, then-President Donald Trump gave an Oval Office address that drew 40 million viewers, nearly twice as many as Hunter’s Dad.
What’s especially revealing is the topic each man addressed.
On Thursday, Biden told the American public his speech would be about Israel’s ongoing and righteous war to wipe out the Islamic Nazis called Hamas. In other words, America was told to tune in for a war speech from America’s commander-in-chief about a conflagration consuming the headlines and the Middle East. It was only after a few minutes into the speech that we discovered Biden had pulled a bait-and-switch, that Biden was using dead Israelis to sell the American public on more aid to Ukraine.
WATCH: Joe Biden Conflates Putin with Hamas Terrorists, Looks to Tie Ukraine Funding to Israel
White House
Nevertheless, His Fraudulency’s speech was advertised as a war speech, and the result was a paltry 22 million viewers, less than ten percent of the country.
Compare that to this…
You are probably thinking Trump’s Oval Office address drew 40 million viewers because his address was about something like the China Flu. No, it wasn’t. In January 2019, the year before the China Flu pandemic, Trump addressed the nation on the issue of border security. While border security is important, it is not war — and Trump still nearly doubled Slow Joe.
But back to the fun stuff, The Apprentice… Let’s rub more salt into that wound…
Biden’s Thursday night Oval Office address was carried live on every major television network, including the cable “news” networks.
The first season finale of The Apprentice aired only on NBC.
And The Apprentice still drew six million more viewers.
Based on the polling and these ratings numbers, Biden has lost the public. His inability to move the ball reminds me of a second-term president in his final two years… No one cares anymore. No one’s listening. Biden is spent, corrupt, confused, exhausted, morally illiterate, and utterly destructive. America went from peace and prosperity under Trump to raging inflation and being pulled into two major wars thanks to Biden.
Well, at least the mean tweets have stopped.
John Nolte’s debut novel Borrowed Time (Bombardier Books) is available today. You can read an exclusive excerpt here and a review of the novel here.