Shot of a woman posing with a chalk illustration of flexing muscles against a dark background
Since the late 1970s, imposter syndrome has garnered growing attention. In fact, over half of all publications about imposter syndrome have originated in just the last eight years. With some controversy arising about the origin and validity of the concept it’s important to understand that its inception came at a time when recognition of many biases and stereotypes against women and minorities were often downplayed, ignored or unrecognized.
While there are clear psychological and physical responses to feeling imposter syndrome, it’s also important to separate myth from fact, and understand it isn’t an official psychiatric diagnosis or listed in the DSM. That said, psychologists acknowledge it is a very real and specific form of intellectual self-doubt. And further, that these feelings are often accompanied by anxiety and depression.
What is Imposter Syndrome?
The term imposter syndrome is a psychological state, in which people express self-doubt on their accomplishments and skills, despite factual evidence or other people indicating otherwise. Imposter syndrome is loosely defined as doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud. It disproportionately affects high-achieving people, who find it difficult to accept their accomplishments. Many question whether they’re deserving of accolades.
Surprisingly, this phenomenon is equally experienced by men and women, and in both it frequently coexists with depression and anxiety. However, the underlying causes of imposter syndrome can vary from person to person. It may stem from perfectionism, fear of failure, a lack of self-confidence, or external pressures and expectations. Additionally, societal and cultural factors can contribute to the development of imposter syndrome.
The concept was originally developed in 1978 by Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes, who used the term imposter phenomenon.
Pushback Against Imposter Syndrome
Not only are there conflicting feelings about the term now using the word syndrome, but it wasn’t researched or explored accounting for real things happening in the work environment such as racism, classism, xenophobia and gender norms. Ruchika Tulshyan and Jodi-Ann Burey point out in a Harvard Business Review article that, “Imposter syndrome directs our view toward fixing women at work instead of fixing the places where women work.” By this they mean imposter syndrome inherently puts the blame on individuals and their feelings, not taking account of historical and cultural contexts for why certain feelings manifested in the first place.
Further, we know our full context matters. At home or out in society we carry feelings and thoughts from one environment into another. For example, if we’re feeling worried about paying bills, arguing with our partner or parents or kids, we take that with us into our work, and vice versa. Self-doubt and anxiety can easily spill from one setting into another, sometimes having nothing to do with our work performance.
On the positive side, pushback against imposter syndrome continues the move us toward sustainable, systemic solutions to ensure work is a place where underrepresented employees can belong and thrive. As well as hopefully creating norms that everyone can be a part of.
What Are Considered Signs Of Imposter Syndrome?
We often overlook the signs of impostor syndrome that come up in our day-to-day lives. However, recognizing these signs is the first step toward overcoming them.
· The fear of failure paralyzing
· Expressing confidence feels terrible in case others think you’re boasting
· Say “I got lucky” despite knowing you prepared or earned the outcome
· Find accepting praise is difficult or you deflect it out of discomfort
· Apologize for yourself when you didn’t do something wrong
· Hold yourself to incredibly high standards, letting perfection get in the way of progress
Help For Imposter Syndrome And Self-Doubt
Melissa Dawn Simkins, founder of the She-Suite and author of Brand Me says, “The best coping mechanism is to practice self-reflection to gain greater self-awareness, then ask yourself some hard questions: What is motivating my actions? Why do I think the way I do about myself? What am I trying to avoid when I’m feeling like an imposture?”
In addition to self-reflection and awareness, there are a few other things to know to help combat feelings of imposter syndrome and self-doubt:
1. Know you’re not alone in your feelings. Even Michelle Obama, year-over-year voted the most admired woman in the world, has admitted to feeling this way.
2. Identify what part is fear. Our brains and body hate fear. But in most cases, we’re not asking for a raise or presenting work that can harm us or our careers. So figure out what you’re really afraid of.
3. Let go of perfectionism. It’s hurting you. When you set extremely high standards for yourself it can actually feed into your impostor syndrome. By setting standards or comparing yourself to an ideal, you create a benchmark that’s unattainable.
4. Track your performance. By measuring and tracking your work, you may surprise yourself. You likely accomplish more each day, week and quarter than you think, and likely in areas you weren’t aware of.
5. Choose your language. While how you talk to yourself is important, it’s also imperative to think about how you represent yourself to others. Don’t refer to the things you do as small or insignificant. Instead, be sure to speak in a way that shows your value and your specific add to your organization or project.
6. Talk about it with others you trust. Talk about your feelings with a mentor, therapist or even your manager.
7. Embrace it and use it. Some people find that a little fear is what they need to persevere. If you find yourself in a place where you can use your feelings to motive ate you, do it.