Doing “cozy cardio” is essentially doing cardiovascular exercise—otherwise known as cardio—in a much … [+]
You may have seen the term “cozy cardio” trending on TikTok and wondered how these two words could possibly go together. After all, such a pairing could sound a bit oxymoronic, sort of like an “easy marathon”, a “weightlifting nap” or a “soft anvil.” But it can make a whole lot of sense if you are just trying to start an exercise regimen. Doing “cozy cardio” is essentially doing cardiovascular exercise—otherwise known as cardio—in a much more comfortable manner. It can be a good way to ease into getting more physical activity since low intensity is better than no intensity. At the same time, doing cozy cardio can be a bit like being a freshman in college. It can be the start of something new, but you don’t want to be a freshman forever.
TikToker Hope Zuckerbrow began popularizing the term in late 2022 and has posted around 30 videos on “cozy cardio” that have already gotten over two million views and 34 million likes. The videos show her doing things like making a protein coffee drink, lighting candles, putting on movies and wearing stuff that you typically wouldn’t be donning in a gym such as a robe, fuzzy socks, and slippers. All of this is part of an early morning routine that has her walking on a walking pad in her living room for a half-hour in a relaxed pace. It’s kind of like doing Cross Fit except that it’s not at all like Cross Fit.
Starting with a more intensive workout can be a bit like diving into the deep end of a pool or talking about marriage during a first date. The whole ordeal can be quite daunting and scare you away from physical activity. It can be sort of pointless to begin an exercise regimen that you simply won’t maintain. And it can be hard to maintain something that you really dislike or even hate. That’s why you usually don’t hear the words, “I hate you. Let’s get married.” Cozy cardio can be akin to a more comfortable first date where you don’t talk about things like politics, religion and other potentially touchy topics such as Justin Bieber.
You shouldn’t get too cozy with cozy cardio for too long if possible, though. While low intensity workouts are better than no workouts and can bring a variety of health benefits, they are simply not as good as moderate or high intensity physical activity. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults between the ages of 18 and 65 years should get at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity or at least 75–150 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity each week. Note that there is no mention of low intensity workouts or fuzzy slippers for that matter.
To determine what may be low versus moderate intensity, you should know your maximum heart rate. And what is this rate? Well, that’s an age-old question, literally. You can calculate your estimated maximum heart rate by substracting your age from 220 beats per minute (bpm). Of course, this would only be an estimate since it would be zero if you were 220 years old. So, don’t treat this measurement as if were an output from the atomic clock. Instead, it’s a rough rule of thumb, and legs and feet and torso and heart.
Starting with a more intensive workout can be a bit daunting and scare you away from physical … [+]
A low intensity workout is when your heart rate doesn’t go above 50 percent of your maximum heart rate. In other words, you aren’t beating the heck out of your body. A moderate intensity workout is when your heart rate gets a bit higher, falling within the 50 percent to 70 percent if your maximum heart rate range. Your in the high or vigorous intensity range when your heart rate goes above this range.
Keep in mind, though, that your heart rate isn’t an exact measure of your level of exercise. A variety of other things may affect your heart rate. For example, drinking caffeine or seeing Chris Hemsworth in a Speedo or Gal Gadot carrying some avocados could alter your heart rate. Therefore, let’s talk about another way of assessing the intensity of your physical activity: the talk test. This entails trying to talk while exercising and checking the following:
- Low intensity: This is when you can talk and sing something like “Boy’s a Liar, Pt. 2” without any huffing and puffing.
- Moderate intensity: Here’s where you can still comfortably talk and say how much you like the song “Boy’s a Liar, Pt. 2” but can’t quite sing it.
- Vigorous intensity: This is where you can’t even say more than a few words without gasping for breath. This is why it’s not a good idea to call someone on the phone while doing vigorous intensity exercise and set up a first date.
Like any relationship, your relationship with exercise needs to at some point progress from the comfy, cozy side. The movie 50 First Dates should not be a model for any relationship. Therefore, it is a good idea to keep upping the ante over time until you are doing at least moderate physical activity regularly if you can. If you do this gradually enough, you can get used to the progressively higher levels and not feel like it is too much of a chore. You can maintain that warm and fuzzy slipper feeling even when you are actually getting more and more intense with your workouts and wearing sneakers instead of slippers. Of course, before you start any exercise regimen, it’s a good idea to check with your doctor first if you have any type of medical condition. You don’t want to slipper-up with a tougher regimen than you can handle.
All of this is a reminder that once-size-fits-all doesn’t work with physical activity. You’ve got to do what works for you. And the only way to figure that out is to have a cozy relationship with yourself and your own body.