A woman with diabetes uses a glucometer to measure the glycemia in her blood in Paris on March 24, … [+]
By the time you are done reading this article, nearly 10 people will learn they have been diagnosed with Diabetes. According to CDC data, more than 37 million US adults have diabetes, with those diagnosed with Diabetes more than doubling in the last two decades. In addition, 96 million American adults have prediabetes, a condition in which blood sugar levels are elevated but not high enough to be diagnosed with Diabetes. This means that more than 1 in 3 Americans has prediabetes, which is more than the number of Americans that have cancer, heart disease, or stroke.
Moreover, more than 8 in 10 adults do not even know they have prediabetes. These numbers underscore the importance of learning about Diabetes so that it can be tested for early, prevented, and ultimately treated if diagnosed.
Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects how the food you eat is transformed into energy. Normally, after eating, sugar levels in the blood rise and insulin, a hormone released by the pancreas, helps move blood into cells so that it can be used for energy. With Diabetes, your body either does not produce insulin (Type I Diabetes) or cannot use it effectively (Type II Diabetes) so blood sugar levels remain high. Over time, increased sugar in the blood can damage blood vessels and nerves, leading to devastating complications like heart disease, kidney failure, vision loss, and numbness and tingling in nerves.
Symptoms for both Type I and Type II Diabetes are similar, but can occur more suddenly with Type I Diabetes. Common symptoms include fatigue, blurry vision, increased thirst, increased hunger, increased urination, tingling in the hands and feet, as well as skin infections that are difficult to heal. For many with Type II Diabetes, patients can experience little to no symptoms, and this could explain why more than 8 in 10 Americans do not know they have prediabetes and 1 in 5 do not know they have Diabetes. This data is important because the vast majority of Diabetics are Type II Diabetics, accounting for up to 95% of those diagnosed with the disease. This ultimately means that millions of Americans are walking around without knowing they are at serious risk for heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, blindness, and ultimately death. According to the Journal of the American Heart Association, Diabetes is a strong risk factor for cardiovascular disease and is associated with a 2 to 4 fold higher mortality when compared to those that do not have Diabetes.
Young woman is measuring blood sugar level and using mobile phone. Gold Coast, Australia.
For the vast majority of individuals with Diabetes, the disease is entirely preventable, so it behooves us to make the lifestyle changes necessary to curb the disease. Exercising, maintaining a healthy and balanced diet with fewer carbohydrates, and weight loss can all prove monumental in preventing Diabetes. The CDC National Diabetes Prevention Program offers a recognized lifestyle change program that promotes healthy habits of diet and exercise through diverse resources and coaching. Participants in this program who lost 5-7% of their body weight and added 150 minutes of exercise per week cut their risk of developing Type II Diabetes by 58%.
Diabetes accounts for $327 billion in medical costs and lost work and wages. Given the astronomical financial burden and serious health ramifications of the disease, the American public must become aware of the disease, its symptoms, and how to prevent it. Speaking to your doctor about it and getting tested if you have risk factors could drastically improve your quality of life.